Monday 2nd of December 2024, 5.30pm
Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh Convenery Meeting
A Message from the Deacon Convener
Welcome to the website of the Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh.
Welcome to the Convenery of the Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh whose history dates back to c.1562 and to which the individual Trades date back to the 15th century.
The Convenery is made up of the Deacons of the individual Trades and the Governors of the Edinburgh Trades Fund. There are currently thirteen individual Trades whose purpose is to promote their craft some of which do it through charitable work. The Edinburgh Trades Fund whose origins date back to 1704 is a charity for the benefit of children and young people aged 21 and below.
Here you will find information about our rich history and what we do today.
Below you will see menus that will explain who we are and what we do along with a list of Edinburgh’s Incorporated Trades, each Incorporation has its own information, with links to their websites, where appropriate.
There is also a Gallery for each Incorporation, highlighting some of the important historic items in our collection at Ashfield and elsewhere.
Jock Miller
Deacon Convener of the Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh
Upcoming events and items of importance, each links to more details

Deacon Convener, Jock Miller and Boxmaster, Katrina Balmer wearing their robes and standing between the Banners of the 14 Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh
Ashfield was open for the two days of Doors Open Days 2024. Ten volunteers welcomed eighty three visitors on the Saturday and one hundred and six on the Sunday to tour our collection. Many planned to visit and came with questions, some found us by chance and others were attracted by the balloons, bunting and our display of the Banners of the fourteen Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh.
Who We Are and What We Do
Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh
Contact Us
Contact details for each individual Trade are on the individual Trade pages above
To contact the Deacon Convener please email [email protected]